Data Structures SEM 3 (Uint-1,2,3) ShortQuestion Bank Solution

  SY.Bsc.Cs Sem-3 Based on Mumbai Unversity 

Data Structures (Uint-1,2,3) Short Answer Question Bank Answer:-

### Unit I

1. **Stack vs. Queue**:  

   - Stack: Follows Last In First Out (LIFO) principle.  

   - Queue: Follows First In First Out (FIFO) principle.  

   - Stack allows insertion and deletion from one end, while queue allows insertion at the rear and deletion from the front.

2. **Array vs. Linked List**:  

   - Array has fixed size and contiguous memory allocation, while linked list has dynamic size and uses scattered memory allocation.  

   - Array allows direct access by index, while linked list requires traversal for access.  

   - Insertions and deletions in an array are costly compared to a linked list.

3. **Types of Expressions Using Stack**:  

   - Infix: Operators are between operands (e.g., A + B).  

   - Prefix: Operators precede operands (e.g., +AB).  

   - Postfix: Operators follow operands (e.g., AB+).

4. **ADT for Stack**:  

   - Operations: `push(element)`, `pop()`, `peek()`, `isEmpty()`, `isFull()`.

5. **ADT for Queue**:  

   - Operations: `enqueue(element)`, `dequeue()`, `front()`, `rear()`, `isEmpty()`, `isFull()`.

6. **ADT for Singly Linked List**:  

   - Operations: `insert(element, position)`, `delete(position)`, `search(element)`, `traverse()`, `isEmpty()`.

### Unit II

1. **Tree Traversal Methods**:  

   - Preorder: Root → Left → Right  

   - Inorder: Left → Root → Right  

   - Postorder: Left → Right → Root  

   - Level Order: Visit nodes level by level.

2. **Applications of Tree**:  

   - Hierarchical data structures (e.g., file systems),  

   - Expression parsing,  

   - Decision-making structures like binary search trees.

3. **Applications of Priority Queue**:  

   - Scheduling processes in operating systems,  

   - Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm,  

   - Huffman coding in data compression.

4. **Binary Tree Types**:  

   - Binary Binary Tree: General binary tree with two children at most.  

   - Skewed Binary Tree: All nodes have either only left or only right children.  

   - Strict Binary Tree: Every node has either two children or no children.

5. **ADT for Doubly Linked List**:  

   - Operations: `insertFront(element)`, `insertRear(element)`, `deleteFront()`, `deleteRear()`, `traverseForward()`, `traverseBackward()`.

6. **ADT for Tree**:  

   - Operations: `insert(element)`, `delete(element)`, `search(element)`, `preorder()`, `inorder()`, `postorder()`.

### Unit III

1. **Graph Definition**:  

   A graph is a collection of nodes (vertices) connected by edges. Example: A social network graph where nodes represent people and edges represent connections.

2. **Hashing and Hash Table**:  

   - Hashing: A technique to map data to fixed-size indexes.  

   - Hash Table: A data structure that stores key-value pairs using a hash function.

3. **Adjacency Matrix Representation**:  

   A matrix used to represent a graph where each cell `(i, j)` holds 1 if there’s an edge between vertex `i` and `j`, otherwise 0.

4. **Adjacency List Representation**:  

   Each vertex has a list of adjacent vertices, reducing space for sparse graphs.

5. **Names of Hash Functions**:  

   - Division method,  

   - Multiplication method,  

   - Mid-square method,  

   - Folding method.

6. **Collision in Hashing**:  

   A collision occurs when two keys hash to the same index. Methods to resolve:  

   - Chaining,  

   - Open addressing (linear probing, quadratic probing, double hashing).

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